
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It Being V-Day and all.

While everything appeared calm on the surface of this blog for a couple of days. Heated discussions were going on in the underbelly. Choice of words, intentions, revenge, were being talked of.
Yes, exalted readership, the saga of "The Girl Three-States-Away" continues. Hopefully, this is the season finale.
Anyway, on the abovelinked post, She posted a comment. Now her very arrival on this blog is material enough for a post. I understand, it's got something to do with bookmarks.

This is what she commented "youre SO wrong. and its really unfair the way youve twisted this in your sorry favor. you refuse to think of how much I would miss our entretiens. you DELETE me from everything. that was a sweet thing to do. i would not have even stumbled on to this page if it wrent for my Periodical Review of Bookmarks. the nerve."
I'm fully aware that having her comments posted on the main blog like this is like parading her around. Since, I've been called flawed, this post shall not be yet another rant. I'll instead focus on the ultimate good times we had together and tell you why cherish her. Even though, she may never read it, this is my public apology. And the final bouquet. Sothere style.

Dear GTSA;
You think I don't miss you? Whom am I going to tell all the fascinating things to, which others don't give a crap for?
You were there for me in those darkest of dark hours. Now when I'm out in the sunshine (winter sunshine... our own little private joke) I don't have anyone to share it with.
Don't be hard on yourself that all this went horribly wrong. Like that cliche, we were never made for each other- even though I always believed that one makes themselves for the other, I guess it's only this far that we can go.
You really were special.
I'll think of you often, and always with tenderness.
I'll miss you always.

(I hope you manage to) love,

P.S: Relationships are to use your own analogy, like a heckuva roller-coaster ride. I had immense fun, but I'm glad it's over and hell or high-water or Elizabeth Hurley, for that matter, wouldn't make me want to do it again.


Panacea said...

Sigh, I'm sorry the whole thing turned out to be such a mess for you.
As I always say, you could always looks at this as a learning experience and move on with your life. I know, my terrible advice isn't going to make you feel better about whatever that has happened. But as least you wont make the same mistakes again, I suppose.

niTin said...

Well, I was in the process of forgetting her (with a lot of help from You-Know-Who) and I might have actually succeeded if someone hadn't decided to re-start communications.
On another note, I did learn a lot about myself (again with the help of...)I must be more assertive and the whole nice-guy shtick apparently doesn't work. I just need to be myself.
Hey, and you're much better at giving advice over "break up issues", than, for instance, me. Or maybe it's just something women get genetically.

niTin said...

Oh and besides... I almost forgot.
I already have this interest in Indore don't I?
I still haven't gotten in touch with her yet, so well. Everything in its own time.