
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oh my! those exclamations.

Punctuations are nice things. You don't have to say them in your mind, like words, yet they perform a very important function in language. We take a mental breather when we see a "." don't we? We tend to furrow our brows and heighten the tone of our inner voice as soon we see "?". And apostrophes and colons and semi-colons all have their very excellent functions. But the exclamation mark... the exclamation mark somehow always gives me the jittery goobles.

Firstly, exclamation marks are so frivolous. Ever received those spam mails with a string of !!!!!!!'s? I mean, whose life can be that good?
There is absolutely no wonder that they use the
exclamation marks as warnings.
Look at that thing. Despicable.

I cannot think of any symbol that is as vain as the exclamation mark. Existing solely to draw attention to itself. How is the patient inner voice supposed to react? With vanity? With passionate emotion (but what emotion?) With sycophantic attention? Or just grovelling indifference?

As you can imagine, I like the question marks. They look cool and curvy. Don't we like curvy things?


asdfghjkl; said...

ive always felt guilty using them.. and believe me..ever since you enlightened me, i only use them under the direst circumstances.
like when i want to piss someone off.
oh , by the way, excellent piece of writing!!!!!!!!

niTin said...

Pissing me off as usual eh?
That's the reason I don't like you, you're not curvy. So there.

And I'd hope you come here because of the excellent-ness of my writing and not for conducting your nefarious schemes as you're wont to do.

The Poodle's Friend said...

I tend to overuse question marks unless I actively stop myself from doing so. Anyway, how mainstream of you to like question marks. My personal favourite is the semi-colon; it adds a certain sophistication.

Panacea said...

Oh TPF, just stole my thunder! Now I'm all upset. Semi-colons are supposed to exclusively be my favourite punctution marks. I'm mad at TPF!

I like exclaimation marks too. I can see why you find them so facinating!

niTin said...

>>> TPF & Pan
Semicolons are nice until and unless people know how to use them. Frankly, not many do. Case in point, a professor I had who just had to use semi colons in every other sentence. Annoying to say the least.

TPF at it again, huh?