
Friday, November 17, 2006

Teaser Tryst

You might remember this post on my brief taste-test with romance. I burnt my tongue and threw the cup away. It was still a good cup, I didn't know at the time.
The post was written just before she came to the US. By this time I had totally given up all hope that this was going to work. That 'we' would work. For, if there is one thing that I have learned from life- a woman's no is a no.... However hard I might try to 'win' her back, it wasn't going to work.
She came here. We talked on the phone. At first, customary, friendly chats, which slowly got longer. Then, a guy tried hitting on her and it struck her that she actually cared for me. Cared a lot.
Although. it was initially a shock when she told me; she being so sweet, the dulcet (the fact that the word 'dulcet' is actually an adjective and I have used it as a noun has nothing to do with this post. Ever heard of poetic license?). It wasn't really hard to fall for her- again. Consequently, our phone conversations became longer. Understand that even if we talked for hours on end (even though, they seemed like few minutes at the time) we were not incurring any costs because weekends and weeknights are free.
Last night, my aunt called me upstairs in her most menacing voice. I ran upstairs. She waved the phone bill in front of my face and asked me what it meant. I stared at her... what did this mean?
Apparently, I had used almost 3000 minutes. She had a problem with that even though it was free. You must understand that I'm not an obsessive talker, on the phone or otherwise. In fact, couple of months ago, my uncle was actually angry at me because I had only used 7 minutes the entire month. So it was a significant leap... and I'm the master of understatement.
But we are still not 'going out', technically. She feels that she can't effectively handle a distance relationship.
This Thanksgiving, I'm going to be meeting her. We decided to not use clichés such as 'rendezvous' or some such to describe our tryst. So we settled on "teaser", for this is going to be a sneak preview of what 'we' might be like.


The Poodle's Friend said...

Oh, Nitin, this is just like the movies! Please, keep us updated!

niTin said...

So troublingly like the movies, it is almost cliched.
I will surely keep everyone updated.

Panacea said...

Nitin has a girlfriend! This whole thing is adorable. I'm a sucker for sob, romantic stories!

We want an update as soon as thanksgiving is over!

Sigh, you phone coversations scarily sound like TPF and me, but we actually pay for these calls :)

niTin said...

Hold your horses... Nitin doesn't have a girlfriend, yet.
Although, Nitin is surely working towards it.
I might give an update during thanksgiving, if we are not sticking to each other all the time (lol).
And I totally empathize with you on the phone issue. But then, since you're married to each other, it is expected of you.

Neha said...

just like the movies as some said? hehe...

who's teasing whom? ;)

hv fun!

niTin said...

Will sure do...

asdfghjkl; said...

lol..my dear dear (friend) Nitin. count on me to avoid cliches. unfortunately a woman's "no" really is a no. i mean, i even asked your magic 8 ball, and the answer to the question was "my sources say no"... all the signs...im eagerly awaiting your next post, infact, id like to propose inserting my email adress in it. just in case your friends want to send me some delicious hate mail. and hun, be nice to me.

asdfghjkl; said...

oh. and i couldnt resist.
dint i give you a new understanding of the word "dulcet"? lol.. we have inside jokes.